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Popcorn Sales

Hi Pack 10 Families!

We’re kicking off our fall Popcorn Program  

Sales begin in September and completes in early November.

We will be relying on the Trail’s End App for scheduling, inventory and logging actual sales.  No more pen & paper at the booth.  Credit card sales are built in so now we can use a square reader to accept credit card payments.

Here’s everything you need to do to get ready:

  1. Download the Trail’s End App. 
  2. Create an account for your Scout.  

You will need these three pieces of information:

Council: Washington Crossing Council
District: Tamanend
Unit: Pack 10

 If you already have an account, it’s still active.  ***EVERY SCOUT HAS TO HAVE THEIR OWN ACCOUNT-NO FAMILY ACCOUNTS***

  1. Sign up for store front booth shifts (it’s right in the app!). 

How do we sell Popcorn?

We are only doing Storefront and Online sales:

  1. Storefront booth sales. We have times set up at Villa Rosa on Friday and Sat nights.
    Sign up for as many as you’d like!  You do this right in the app this year.  
  2. Online sales:  Once you’ve signed up for your Scout’s account on Trail’s End, you can share their page via social media, email, or an old-fashioned phone call.  Friends and family across the country can order popcorn to be delivered to their door.  Shipping is ALWAYS FREE!

Other FAQS:

What do we need to bring for booth shifts?

Your smartphone with the Trail’s End App.  We’ll provide everything else.  If you sign up for the first shift of the day, you’ll need to pick up a kit that includes: table, cashbox, banner, and OF COURSE lots of popcorn.  If you are the last shift of the day, you’ll need to plan to return the kit and popcorn at the end of the day. 

What products do we have this year?  

We have selected a subset of the products avaliable which have consistently sold well. You will be provided with an assortment of the products which are still in our inventory for your storefront slot.

What’s new with the prize program this year? 

This year Scouts will all earn an Amazon gift card that they can use for anything that Scout & Parent can agree on.  Gift cards will be mailed directly to your home.

How do our Scout accounts work?

Your Scout gets to self direct 25% of their sales.  So, for example, if they hit our $500 sales goal, they have $125 to spend on any Scouting activity that has a cost.

If my Scout gets 25%, where does the rest go?

The manufacturer keeps 30%.  The Council gets 35% which is used for Council events. Our Pack will use the remaining 10% for Pack expenses such as Pinewood Derby cars and tracks and events.

Some Youtube videos to share with your Scout:

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