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April 2025
2025 – Arrow of Light Crossing Over
Please mark your calendar for 6:00 pm - 7:00pm on Friday, April 4th for the AoL Crossing over ceremony. This is a pack event to support and recognize cub scouts that have completed the Arrow of Light requirements and are 'crossing over' to Scouts BSA. Additionally we will also recognize our other Scouts' progress on their advancement by awarding the most recently earned belt loops or pins. We hope that you all will be able to attend the event to…
Find out more »2025 – Hiking Club – Aquetong State Park
Mark your calendars for a Hiking Club event on Sunday, April 6th at 1:30 pm. As a reminder, all Scouts who hike 25 miles or more over this Scouting year will receive special recognition at our end-of-year event in May. What to Bring: - Scouts and other attendees should be sure to pack the Cub Scout Six Essentials: First Aid Kit; Water; Flashlight; Trail Food; Hat; Whistle. - Sturdy shoes or hiking boots. Please also dress for the weather: Be Prepared! Route: https://www.soleburytwp.org/sites/g/files/vyhlif1221/f/uploads/asp_map_with_bench_locations_2023-08.pdf Other Info: -…
Find out more »2024 – Spring Service Project
Please join us Saturday April 12th between 8 am and 1 pm to help with spring clean up at the Crossing Community Church. This is be a great opportunity for the scouts to help in their community and work towards their rank requirements. We will be participating as part of the Crossing Community Church Property work day, families are welcome to come and stay for any time slot they can make during that window. Bring a rake and gloves if…
Find out more »May 2025
2025 – Spring Camping Event
Pack 10 will hold its spring campout on Saturday, May 17th - Sunday May 18th at Tohickon Valley Park in Pipersville, PA (~45 mins north of Yardley). Come join us as we work on advancements, participate in a campfire and entertainment, and enjoy the outdoors. As always, the Pack will be providing dinner Saturday night and snacks Sunday morning. Please be sure to RSVP by May 14th so that we have an accurate headcount. We hope to see you there!
Find out more »2025 – Memorial Day Parade
Pack 10 has been invited to march in the Yardley Memorial Day Parade and honor our veterans. The parade will be held on Monday, May 26 and we will be meeting up at the Yardley Friends Meeting between 10:15 am and 10:30 am. Class A uniforms are required! After the parade, parent's should plan to pick up scouts from the American Legion. Please also sign up for the Memorial Day BBQ event to join us for hot dogs and hamburger to…
Find out more »2025 – Memorial Day BBQ
Join us at Kids Kingdom for a Memorial Day BBQ! Dens will receive their rank advancement, scouts that completed the 25 mi hiking club will be recognized and the top popcorn sellers per den will get to pie their den leader! Scouts are encouraged to bring a friend who might be interested in learning more about scouting! We will meet at the pavilions by Kids Kingdom at 1pm on 5/26 following the Memorial Day Parade. Please indicate in the 'Additional Comments'…
Find out more »June 2025
2025 Summer Camp – Musser Scout Reservation
Pack 10 will be returning to Camp Hart at Musser Scout Reservation for the Cub Family Camp June 27-29. Registration information to follow as it becomes avaliable. We will meet for an early dinner at 5 pm at a local pizza place and check in at camp will be at 6pm Friday night. All meals will be provided, Friday snack through Sunday breakfast but everyone will need to bring a tent/sleeping bag and other camping items. This is a family…
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